Thursday, July 20, 2006

Marketing Campaign of successBC to support the DKMS - German Bone Marrow Donor Center

Until Dec 31st, 2006 we have a limited offer to you: thanks to a cooperation with 'DKMS – German Bone Marrow Donor Center' ( ( you can now sign up for a one-year successBC Premium Membership for only EUR 30,-- (equals EUR 2,50 per month).

With your membership fee, you will also support the DKMS as 50% of your membership fee will be donated to the DKMS.

The offer is valid for new members as well as current members upgrading their account, with yearly payment of the membership fee.

You can upgrade your membership here:

Join successBC here:

The motto of our cooperation is: "Does the membership fee serve as an indicator for quality?
successBC and its responsibility for charity projects".

This campaing will also be launched via press and TV in the next couple of days.

The German Bone Marrow Donor Center and successBC is looking forward to your support! Thank you!

Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Free Premium Membership with successBC for Press representatives

Free Premium Membership with successBC! Press representatives can now register for free with successBC in the context of the Charity Gala Dinner with our Guest of Honor Mikhail Gorbachev

In the context of the Charity Gala Dinner on Oct 3rd with our Guest of Honor Mikhail Gorbachev, we are happy to announce that press representatives (TV, print, digital media) have the possibility to sign up for a full one-year successBC Premium Membership ( for free.

Within the member area, you have access to additional information on the event, the participants etc.

If you are interested in attending the Charity Gala Dinner, please use this link to register:

More information on the Charity Gala Dinner is available at

For any questions and further information please do not hesitate to contact Markus Roemmen – Chairman & Founder successBC Ltd. and The Evolutiner Club.

Best regards

Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Kostenlose Premium-Mitgliedschaft bei successBC für die Vertreter der Presse / Medien

Kostenlose Premium-Mitgliedschaft bei successBC! Pressevertreter können sich im Rahmen des Charity Gala Dinner mit Michael Gorbatschow ab sofort kostenlos für eine volle 1-jahr successBC Premium Mitgliedschaft registrieren

Im Rahmen des Charity Gala Dinner am 3. Oktober mit Ehrengast Michael Gorbatschow teilen wir Ihnen gerne mit, dass sich Pressevertreter (TV, Print, Digitale Medien) kostenlos bei successBC ( für eine volle 1-Jahres Premium Mitgliedschaft registrieren können.

Im Mitgliederbereich werden laufend zusätzliche Informationen zur Veranstaltung, den Teilnehmern etc. hinterlegt.

Wenn Sie am Charity Gala Dinner teilnehmen möchten, verwenden Sie bitte diesen Link:

Mehr Informationen zum Charity Gala Dinner können Sie unter abrufen.

Als Ansprechpartner steht Ihnen Markus Roemmen – Chairman & Founder successBC Ltd. und The Evolutiner Club gerne zur Verfügung.

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited