Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Rohit Talwar joined successBC as Non-Executive-Director

We are happy and proud to announce, that the Board of Directors of successBC have elected Mr. Rohit Talwar as Non-Executive-Director of successBC and as member of the Advisory Board of successBC.

Rohit is as well a member of The Evolutiner Club.

Rohit is a global futurist, inspirational speaker, strategist, innovator and change agent. In January 2006, Rohit was profiled as one of the top 10 global trendwatchers by The UK’s Independent Newspaper. In October 2005 he won the prestigious ‘stickiest guru’ award after being voted best speaker for his presentation on the future of travel at Asia’s largest travel conference. As a result, he was then asked to deliver the keynote address on future travel risks and opportunities to the ASEAN travel ministers’ Forum (ATF) in the Philippines in January 2006. In February 2006 he was invited to chair the conference and deliver a keynote address on the World in 2020 at the first World CEO Forum in Dubai.

Rohit is internationally recognized as an innovative thinker and action orientated, insightful, entertaining and thought-provoking speaker on future global trends and challenges. He draws on over 10,000 hours of research from his global analyst team to deliver compelling future business insights.

Rohit advises global corporations, innovative start-ups and governments to address key trends, develop inspiring future visions and deliver innovative change. He is currently helping clients respond to the rise of Asia and is writing a book on China’s impact on 21st century global businesses.

Rohit has launched a personal campaign to raise One million pounds for good causes. He started with a fund raising seminar and dinner for the Pakistan Earthquake Red Cross Appeal in Singapore – an event that received widespread TV, press, radio and web coverage across Asia. Rohit is currently working with a number of parties to develop a programme of fund raising events. Rohit would welcome suggestions for other events and activities that could form part of the fund raising campaign.

He has spoken and consulted on 5 continents and over 20 countries including Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, the UK, the USA and Zimbabwe.

Rohit’s clients include ABN Amro, The BBC, BT, BAT, BAe, Berwin Leighton Paisner, Cargill, Chloride, Citibank, DeutscheBank, EADS, Electrolux, Ernst & Young, GSK, IBM, Intel, Linklaters, Marks and Spencer, Morgan Stanley, Nokia, Nomura, Novartis, Orange, Panasonic, Pfizer, Playtex, PwC, Shell, Thames Water and Yellow Pages.

In government he has worked with the US Department of Defense, the Singapore National Horizon Scanning Centre and in the UK – the Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Defence Science and Technology Laboratories (dstl), Home Office, Environment Agency, Foreign Office, Health Modernisation Agency, Ministry of Defence and Office of Science and Technology and the Departments for Constitutional Affairs, Trade and Industry and Environment Food and Rural Affairs.

You can reach Rohit via the following e-mail adress:

Warmest Regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

New Country Manager for Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka

We are really happy and proud to announce, that Linda Ruck will take over the responsibility as Country Manager for Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

Linda Ruck is an Australian business woman living and working in Singapore. In 1998, she resigned from a secure Australian Government position to move to Vietnam to work as a volunteer in a children's charity. In the 4 years she was based in Vietnam she worked for various charities, as well as being a consultant to the Marriott Group and the Australian High Commission. During this time she became the country's leading Expatriate writer on human interest issues.

In 2002, she moved to Singapore, managed an event company and started a niche magazine. Linda has interviewed some of the world's most high profile people and leaders. From interviewing Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, to questioning business entrepreneur Ho Kwong Ping, to bouncing ideas with master coach Robert Kiyosaki, to sharing personal thoughts with Anita Roddick and having a tête-à-tête over a cup of coffee with Rudi Giuliani, Al Ries and Tom Peters.

Singapore's most successful and respected entrepreneur Kenny Yap officially launched Linda's own boutique PR company in August 2005. A natural networker in the eight years since being based in Asia she has established an extensive network of Asia Pacific business contacts and hosts regular Entrepreneur networking nights. Linda is an adventurer, committed conservationist and philanthropist.

You can reach Linda at:

pls. visit here profile on successBC as well which you will find here:,0,1

We wish Linda all the best with her new challenge.

Markus Roemmen

Chairman & Founder

successBC Limited

New Country Manager Australia

We are really happy that successBC is now represented as well in Australia. Our former Country Manager for Singapore and Malaysia -John Smallwood - will move to Australia and will take over the responsibility as Country Manager for Australia.

John you can reach by the following e-mail address:

We wish John all the best for his new challenge.


Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Thursday, March 23, 2006

What is the value of a network?

Let me start with a provocative question!

"If you join a new network, are you looking at first for the quantity of the existing members?"

If yes, you are looking not for the value of a network! In this case you can visit a soccer statdium or a musik / rock concert, there you will find thousands of people.

The second provocative question is the following one:

"Are you looking for, how much people of your existing network are already there?"

If you can answer this question with YES, why you will join this network, because there are a lot of people you already now and there is no need to join this network.

But, if you can answer the following questions with YES, then the new network will be the right one for you:

-1- Are there people I would like to know?
-2- Are there people where I can start business with?
-3- Can I find there additional content which supplements my knowledge?
-4- Are there special offers which I can use? Maybe special discounts for services and products!
-5- Will I find people with my interests there?
-6- Are there topics I would like to discuss over?
-7- Are you looking for a high class network and for quality?
-8- Are they offering special events I can join?
-9- Are they organizing regular meetings in my area?
-10- Do I have the chance to meet my virtual contacts personally?
-11- Do I find there, which I am looking for?
-12- How easy I can connect with new people?

And one of the most important questions is..... is there a clear focus or just a collection of individuals? A clear focus means...what are the targets and goals! What is the mission and what is the vision?

Another question is.... are you there to be there or are you there to increase your nework? In this case you should do so much as possible in order to create the basis for your targets, goals and success. That means... it´s not the right way to be there and do nothing! The second point is, that you should create the basis, that other people will find you. That means you should use the possibilities of the platform to present yourself, your projects, your business, your targets and goal, you dreams, wishes etc..

So... other people will have the chance to find you otherwise you are searching all the time.... why you do not let other people to find you? That´s the easiest way!

And one of my final questions is: "Do I just join a platform or do I really join a network"?

I know! Questions over Questions? But you have to answer all these questions for yourself, otherwise you are a member of 30 networks but... with no result and no success!

I have learned something the last couple of years: It´s not important to know everything... but it´s important to have access to the right people, with answers to the right questions at the right moment!

This is the philosophy of networking, to create the right junctions and find the right multiplicators.

Here we are back to "RULE 150".

Don´t waste your time with ACCEPT..ACCEPT...ACCEPT a new contact.

Maintain your network and take the time to communicate with your network!

These are just some thoughts to make you sensible in the new generation of networking!

Please feel free to communicate your opinion. I am really interested why people are joining networks.

Have a successful day.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

WINGSFACTOR - The Open Networking Book

WINGSFACTOR - The Open Networking Book is the first global publication ever to give an overview of the world of networking, evolving from a joint project of the two successful entrepreneurs & networkers Markus Roemmen and Robert Steiner to provide orientation for professional networkers all over the world.

WINGSFACTOR - The Open Networking Book is designed for all people committed to the idea of "networking" who want to increase their networking power and success by establishing elitist top-level contacts. It provides a qualitative overview with first-hand field reports on numerous topics of an international networker's life, and is therefore divided into the following categories:

+ networking.DEVELOPMENTS: a historic overview of the development of networking and lobbying to gain a better understanding of the framework

+ networking.BESTPRACTICES: examples and guidance - first-hand information of successful networkers - to increase your networking effectiveness and efficiency

+ networking.PLACES: an overview of all important places to expand your network, comprising virtual networks as well as real offline networks

+ networking.PEOPLE: an introduction of the worlds most important and powerful networkers and success stories to show the high potential of networking

+ networking.EVENTS: an overview of the most important events, conferences, symposia etc. to identify the most appropriate events for you

+ networking.BOOKS: a selection of qualitative books on the topic of networking to foster your networking intelligence

+ networking.TOOLS: technical solutions including hardware and software to ease the life of the professional networker

+ networking.SCIENCE: information on organizations committed to the scientific view of networking

+ networking.LIFE: offers, services and information for the networker's leisure time to relax and network

+ networking.LINKS: additional information resources on the topic of networking to complete a real networker's knowledge base

WINGSFACTOR - The Open Networking Book - a must-have for the professional and powerful networker in the new age of business.

About the Initiators

Markus Roemmen - Chairman & Founder of successBC and The Evolutiner Club, is a full blood networker since 14 years. As an successful entrepreneur, he founded several successful companies.

As a dedicated new-age entrepreneur, Robert Steiner has co-founded the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK, an international online media focusing on the high potential of networking, is Associate Consultant with the boutique strategy consultancy HIRT&FRIENDS in Austria and is currently also involved in various other entrepreneurial projects.

Authors & Guest Writers

WINGSFACTOR – The Open Network Book provides first-hand field reports from professional networkers for professional networkers all over the world. In addition to editorial content, WINGSFACTOR – The Open Networking Book therefore contains content contributed by Authors & Writers that have interesting comments on and stories about the world of networking.

By contributing to the book, you are being introduced to a broad range of professional and powerful networkers with your article, also containing an about-the-author section with photograph to promote the author within the networking community.

As an Author or Guest Writer, you may contribute interesting stories, comments, field reports etc. to the mentioned categories.

For detailed information about sponsorship, partnership and advertisement opportunities, or any questions in regard to sponsorship, partnership or advertisement opportunities, please contact:

Contact Information

The Open Networking Book Ltd
26 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3QH
Scotland UK

Mail: info(at)

Registered in Scotland 298610

Alternatively, you may also contact one of The Open Networking Book Ltd's initiators directly:

Markus Roemmen
Co-Founder & Director
Phone: +423 663 006472
Mail: markus.roemmen(at)

Robert Steiner
Co-Founder & Director
Phone: +43 664 4552590
Mail: robert.steiner(at)

Monday, March 13, 2006

New Website for the Evolutiner Club

Since today you can reach the Evolutiner Club under the following new Website:

The Evolutiner are the VIP Level of successBC

Evolutiner – that sounds somehow mysterious, somehow powerful, somehow like a secret society from a past century. The anwer: well…yes and no!

NO: The Evolutiner Club is certainly no relict of the past, but is quite likely to become one of the most influential networks of the 21st century.

YES: The Evolutiner Club is a little bit mysterious for outsiders, and it is powerful. You cannot buy your membership, you can only apply. And you have to have an excellent background to be accepted by the Evolutiner's board of directors. It is a closed network, consisting of high-level individuals only.

The Members

The members which are represented world-wide are members of executive commitees, managing directors of interesting internationally operating companies as well as wealthy private people and representatives of the different governments.

The Goals

Some of the Evolutiner Club's goals are:
+ the assignment of scholarships
+ the support of research projects at universities
+ the support of charity projects
+ the economic co-operation of the members
+ the use of the common network of the members
+ the optimization of economic decision-makting processes
+ the execution of meetings for the members
+ the execution of an annual reception for the members
+ etc.

Have a successful day

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited
The Evolutiner Club

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Are you an Evolutiner - High-Level individuals ONLY

This article was published today by High Potential Network:

Evolutiner – that sounds somehow mysterious, somehow powerful, somehow like a secret society from a past century. The anwer: well…yes and no!

NO: The Evolutiner Club is certainly no relict of the past, but is quite likely to become one of the most influential networks of the 21st century.

YES: The Evolutiner Club is a little bit mysterious for outsiders, and it is powerful. You cannot buy your membership, you can only apply. And you have to have an excellent background to be accepted by the Evolutiner's board of directors. It is a closed network, consisting of high-level individuals only.

The Members
The members which are represented world-wide are members of executive commitees, managing directors of interesting internationally operating companies as well as wealthy private people and representatives of the different governments.

The Goals
Some of the Evolutiner Club's goals are:
+ the assignment of scholarships
+ the support of research projects at universities
+ the support of charity projects
+ the economic co-operation of the members
+ the use of the common network of the members
+ the optimization of economic decision-makting processes
+ the execution of meetings for the members
+ the execution of an annual reception for the members
+ etc.

The Membership
If you are interested in a membership of the Evolutiner Club, please contact:

c/o successBC Limited
26 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3QH
Scotland UK

Phone: +44 870 478 0518 | Fax: +44 870 478 0487
Mail: evolutiner(at)

Compiled by Robert STEINER

The original article you will find here:

Monday, March 06, 2006

successBC is growing 30% per week

successBC is growing 30% per week in the moment and is now represented in 47 countries by its members what´s a great success for a young platform.

What is the success of successBC?

successBC is much more different to all the existing Business Clubs, because the strategy is not quantity; the strategy is quality in all matters. successBC represents the new generation of successful networking; the platform includes an amount of great features, which can't be found on most of the other platforms. If you need assistance or support, I can tell you that the support service of succesBC is outstanding.
How does successBC differ from other networks?
  • we are a high-class network and not a mass network for address collectors
  • we have our own VIP Level - The Evolutiner
  • we have our own Award - The successBC Entrepreneur Award
  • we are organizing networking Conferences for Face to Face meetings in 2006+ around the world
  • we will start to organize Charity Dinners with High-Level Keynote Speakers
  • we have the "Capment - successBC Venture Capital Club"
  • we have the "successBC Entrepreneur´s Club"
  • we have an effective and powerful information system by BLOG´s as well
  • etc.........
There are a lot of other special things to come as well!

Further information about successBC and its network you will find here:

Warmest regards
Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

New Country Manager for New Zealand - Stu Dunn

We are happy to announce, that Stu Dunn has joined the successBC Country Manager Team, responsible for New Zealand.

Stu has always had the Entrepreneur's Spirit, and has spent most of his working life "working to learn". He has worked in the banking industry across a number of areas, done the Real Estate Salesperson Course, been a mortgage broker, and worked in Parliament. Stu has been successfully investing in property since 2000, buying 95% of his properties for no money down. Having spoken at property mentoring groups, seminars and having run training workshops on how to find excellent deals, Stu's "path of least resistance" follows the philosophy of creating a well known unique identity, such as Anthony Robbins and Richard Branson.

More information about Stu you will find here:

Warm regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Sunday, March 05, 2006

New successBC Domain available again! (

Dear all,

after somebody has hacked our domain name and we have still no access to that domain we have setup a additional domain name: where you can reach our platform.

We are working hard to have access again to our Domain name and we hope to have it solved shortly. Meanwhile you can use the existing LINK you already have as well the new Domain name

As well you can reach me now at:

Further news we will publish shortly.

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Saturday, March 04, 2006

successBC Entrepreneur´s Club

We have created "The successBC Entrepreneurs Club" as private Club for successBC members based on the yahoo group tools.

The Club you will find here:

This Club we will use as discussion platform for Entrepreneurship related topics.

Further you will find interesting links as well basic information around "Entrepreneurship".

To join the group, pls. visit the above mentioned link.

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen

Capment - The successBC Venture Capital Club

We have created "Capment - The successBC Venture Capital Club" as private Club for successBC members based on the yahoo group tools.

The Club you will find here:

This Club we will use as discussion platform for VC related topics. That means here you can present your project if you are looking for Equity as well as VC, Business Engel etc. you can present you and your company.

Further you will find interesting links as well basic information around "Venture Capital".

To join the group, pls. visit the above mentioned link.

Warmest regards
Yours Markus

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New successBC Country Manager Singapore & Malaysia

We are happy to announce that today John has joined the successBC Country Manager Team, responsible for Singapore and Malaysia.

John´s profile you will find here:

John Smallwood
Born United Kingdom, raised and educated in Dublin, Republic of Ireland. John has travelled extensively throughout Asia and currently resides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is an entrepreneur with directorships of a number of media related companies in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and the United States. John is a prolific networker and an active member of both Ecademy and OpenBC networks.

I hope you will support John in your best way!

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited