Thursday, March 23, 2006

What is the value of a network?

Let me start with a provocative question!

"If you join a new network, are you looking at first for the quantity of the existing members?"

If yes, you are looking not for the value of a network! In this case you can visit a soccer statdium or a musik / rock concert, there you will find thousands of people.

The second provocative question is the following one:

"Are you looking for, how much people of your existing network are already there?"

If you can answer this question with YES, why you will join this network, because there are a lot of people you already now and there is no need to join this network.

But, if you can answer the following questions with YES, then the new network will be the right one for you:

-1- Are there people I would like to know?
-2- Are there people where I can start business with?
-3- Can I find there additional content which supplements my knowledge?
-4- Are there special offers which I can use? Maybe special discounts for services and products!
-5- Will I find people with my interests there?
-6- Are there topics I would like to discuss over?
-7- Are you looking for a high class network and for quality?
-8- Are they offering special events I can join?
-9- Are they organizing regular meetings in my area?
-10- Do I have the chance to meet my virtual contacts personally?
-11- Do I find there, which I am looking for?
-12- How easy I can connect with new people?

And one of the most important questions is..... is there a clear focus or just a collection of individuals? A clear focus means...what are the targets and goals! What is the mission and what is the vision?

Another question is.... are you there to be there or are you there to increase your nework? In this case you should do so much as possible in order to create the basis for your targets, goals and success. That means... it´s not the right way to be there and do nothing! The second point is, that you should create the basis, that other people will find you. That means you should use the possibilities of the platform to present yourself, your projects, your business, your targets and goal, you dreams, wishes etc..

So... other people will have the chance to find you otherwise you are searching all the time.... why you do not let other people to find you? That´s the easiest way!

And one of my final questions is: "Do I just join a platform or do I really join a network"?

I know! Questions over Questions? But you have to answer all these questions for yourself, otherwise you are a member of 30 networks but... with no result and no success!

I have learned something the last couple of years: It´s not important to know everything... but it´s important to have access to the right people, with answers to the right questions at the right moment!

This is the philosophy of networking, to create the right junctions and find the right multiplicators.

Here we are back to "RULE 150".

Don´t waste your time with ACCEPT..ACCEPT...ACCEPT a new contact.

Maintain your network and take the time to communicate with your network!

These are just some thoughts to make you sensible in the new generation of networking!

Please feel free to communicate your opinion. I am really interested why people are joining networks.

Have a successful day.
