Tuesday, June 20, 2006

successBC and the Evolutiner Club will support the Bone Marrow Donor Center - DKMS

Edinburgh, 20th of June 2006

successBC and the Evolutiner Club are supporting from now the DKMS - Bone Marrow Donor Center with 10 EURO of the yearly membership fees from each member of successBC and the Evolutiner Club .

With this project, successBC and the Evolutiner Club are following one of their major goals and aims to support Charity Projects arround the world..

DKMS - Bone Marrow Donor Center

There's nothing more inspiring in life than having goals. When DKMS was founded in Germany, our aim was to recruit as many people as possible to our cause in order to give more leukemia patients a new chance to live. We have achieved a lot since then: in early 1991, there were only approximately 3,000 voluntary potential bone marrow donors in Germany. Following the foundation of DKMS in the same year, more than 68,000 donors were registered.

Within just five years, DKMS was the world's largest bone marrow donor center. Today, DKMS counts more than 1.3 million donors.

What is even more important than these figures is the willingness of each registered donor to help. It is the courage and commitment of each individual that count in the battle against leukemia and without which the DKMS would not be where it is today.

Despite our past successes, there is still a lot of work to do. Our latest goal is to reach the 2 million mark to give us a chance to save even more lives of people who suffer from leukemia, giving them a chance to achieve their own goals. Because that is how we measure true success.

We look forward to helping connect DKMS donors with patients in need, wherever they may live.

Learn more about DKMS (http://www.dkms.de) and their pioneering work to build the largest donor database in the world.

Warm regards

Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited
Evolutiner Club