Thursday, May 25, 2006

Venture Capital Workshops 2006 in cooperation between successBC and Silvervox Venture Partners

Dear all,

successBC in cooperation with Silver Fox Venture Partners will start 4 different
Venture Capital Workshops in September 2006.

The Workshops will take place on different locations in Europe.

The exact dates and locations we will publish shortly.

The target group are Investors as well companies which are looking for
Venture Capital or are in the funding process.

The workshops are:
  • Inside the Investor
  • Planning, Funding, Executing and Exiting a New Venture
  • The Elevator Pitch
  • The formal Investment Presentation
The price for a half day workshop will be € 200 p. person and for a full day workshop € 400 per person.

The details you will find here:

Further details we will send you on request.

Warm regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder

Thursday, May 18, 2006

successBC / Evolutiner Gala Dinner 2006 - Attendance price

Dear all,

the price for the successBC / Evolutiner Gala Dinner on the 3rd of
October 2006 with Mikhail Gorbachev as Guest of Honor and
Keynote Speaker is:

EURO 395,-- per Person

and includes the participation in:

  • the Reception
  • the Gala Dinner (excl. drinks)
  • the evening program

in the Hotel Atlantic Kempinski in Hamburg.

There are as well special Sponsor packages available. Fur further questions
pls. contact Markus Roemmen or
+49 174 729 64 64.

We expect 600 attendees.

Further information as well the pre-registration you will find here:

Warm regards

Markus Roemmen

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Monika Burchard joined the successBC Trainer Team

Monika joined the successBC Trainer Team.

More about the successBC Seminar Sessions and Trainingprograms you will find here:

Monika Burchard

President of 'International Personality Profiling' and known as 'The Performance Doctor for Teams and Individuals' Monika has been working since 1995 as trainer, coach and HR consultant in Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, North Africa, Japan and Russia. Her main fields of activities comprise personality analysis, team- and personal development, training in leadership as well as in presentation, time management, motivation, communication, sales and exhibition. She is a frequently requested speaker at international conferences, giving trainings in German, English, French and Spanish. In June 2002 she was awarded first place by Junior Chamber International in the category 'Most Outstanding European Training Activity'.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mikhail Gorbachev as Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker of the Evolutiner/successBC Charity Gala Dinner 2006

successBC ( ) and the Evolutiner Club ( ) are hosting the Charity-Gala Dinner 2006, which will take place on the 3rd of October 2006 in theHotel Atlantic Kempinski in Hamburg.

We have the great honor and pleasure to announce, that our Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker of the Evening will be the Nobel Prize Winner and former President of the Soviet Union -
Mr. Mikchail Gorbachev (Michael Gorbatschow)

Further details and the program of the evening we will publish in the next day.

successBC ( ) und der Evolutiner Club ( ) organisieren das diesjährige Charity Gala Dinner, welches am 03. Oktober 2006 im Hotel Atlantic Kempinskiin Hamburg stattfinden wird.

Es ist uns eine Ehre und Freude Ihnen anzukündigen, dass der Nobelpreisträger und ehemalige Präsident der UDSSR Herr Michail Gorbatschow unser Ehrengast und Hauptredner des Abends sein wird.

Die Details sowie das Veranstaltungsprogramm werden in den kommenden Tagen veröffentlicht.

Teilnehmer sind Verteter aus der Politik, der Industrie sowie bekannte Persönlichkeiten.

Über weitere Details werden wir Sie kurzfristig informieren.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

successBC - Creating real value through networking

We have defined a new slogan for successBC:

Creating real value through networking

In contrast to other major virtual networks, sheer size is not the goal of successBC - but creating a trusted network for people who are interested in professional business networking, rather than harvesting contacts and just wasting their and also your own time.

successBC therefore represents the next generation of networking: doing networking not for the sake of its own, but seeing it as a means to foster business deals amongst a network of quality people.

successBC is

- an active, trusted business network
- of quality contacts only
- that are looking out for serious business deals
- to create real value.

Please have a look to some testimonials what members are saying about successBC.

Please visit as well our new corporate website:


Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

ASSG - The Aerospace Security & Safety Group

Dear all,

based on my experience I have created a new Group and you are invited to join this group by following the LINK:

Welcome to ASSG - The Aerospace Security & Safety Group which is adressed to all professionals which are involved in Aerospace Security and Safety matter like

  • Airlines,
  • Government,
  • Airports,
  • Pilot Unions,
  • Consultants
  • etc.

If you are part of these organizations, please feel free to join our group here.

The target & the goal in this group is to discuss

  • the actual situation,
  • perspectives
  • new technologies
  • etc.

My Experience in the Aerospace Industry:

From 1996 -2001 I was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of VIDAIR AG based in Mönchengladbach Germany and with own subsidiaries in France, Singapore and the United States.

VIDAIR AG have developed new technologies to increase the security and safety of aircraft. One of our major products was the Digital Flight View Recorder (Video-Black-Box) as the new generation of the crash (data- / voice recorder) recorder.

Further products were Cargo-Fire-Monitoring Systems based on a new self-developed camera technology as well cabin monitoring systems to monitor the cabin based on hidden-cameras as example for High-Jacking- Situations. Further more cameras at the outside area.

VIDAIR AG was involved in the camera technology for the A340-600 as well the A380.

Further more the GSG9 Special Forces have installed a system in the training center of the GSG9.

During my time as CEO I was speaker / consultant for the NTSB - National Transportation Board for new recorder technologies.

For the successful development of successBC I have created a Supervisory Board and an Advisory Board with some well know people from the aerospace industry. Let me mentione some of the names:

- Karl J. Dersch - Founding Member of the Board of Directors of DASA
- Ulrich K. Wegener - Former Commander and Founder of the GSG9 Special Forces
- Peter Trautmann - Managing Director of the Airport in Munich
- Georg Fongern - Speaker of the German Pilot Union and A340 Captain of Lufthansa
- Dr. Wolfgang Burr - Former Head of the Arms Department -Ministry of Defence
- Matthias Wissmann - Former Minister of Transportation
- Capt. Lawrence Hecker - Former Co-Pilot of the Airforce One
- Neil Albrecht - Former Vicepresident Sales & Marketing American Airlines
- Peter Maximovic - VP LFK GmbH of the DASA
- etc.

During this time I was as well member of several associations and organizations on national and international level:

- BDLI - German Aerospace Industry Association
- Deutsches Verkehrsforum - German Transportation Forum
- ATAG - Air Transport Action Group
- ALROUND - member of the Board of Directors
- Personal Member of the WINGSCLUB New York
- Founding Member - Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Development Association Airport Mönchengladbach"

Parallely I was one of the major shareholder of "RAS Airline" from 1999-2001 together with the daughter of the founder of LTU Airlines - Beate Hüttner. I was as well Managing Director of this company and approved Accountable Manager. We have operated two ATR42.

The result of these success was, that I was one of the Finalists of the Award "Entrepreneur of the Year 2000" as well mentioned approx. 400 times in different newspapers and TV reports about Aircraft Security.

I have prepared VIDAIR AG for an potential IPO included all meetings with the responsible banks, analysts etc.

Many thanks for your support and help.