Tuesday, May 02, 2006

ASSG - The Aerospace Security & Safety Group

Dear all,

based on my experience I have created a new Group and you are invited to join this group by following the LINK: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/AerospaceSecuritySafety/

Welcome to ASSG - The Aerospace Security & Safety Group which is adressed to all professionals which are involved in Aerospace Security and Safety matter like

  • Airlines,
  • Government,
  • Airports,
  • Pilot Unions,
  • Consultants
  • etc.

If you are part of these organizations, please feel free to join our group here.

The target & the goal in this group is to discuss

  • the actual situation,
  • perspectives
  • new technologies
  • etc.

My Experience in the Aerospace Industry:

From 1996 -2001 I was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of VIDAIR AG based in Mönchengladbach Germany and with own subsidiaries in France, Singapore and the United States.

VIDAIR AG have developed new technologies to increase the security and safety of aircraft. One of our major products was the Digital Flight View Recorder (Video-Black-Box) as the new generation of the crash (data- / voice recorder) recorder.

Further products were Cargo-Fire-Monitoring Systems based on a new self-developed camera technology as well cabin monitoring systems to monitor the cabin based on hidden-cameras as example for High-Jacking- Situations. Further more cameras at the outside area.

VIDAIR AG was involved in the camera technology for the A340-600 as well the A380.

Further more the GSG9 Special Forces have installed a system in the training center of the GSG9.

During my time as CEO I was speaker / consultant for the NTSB - National Transportation Board for new recorder technologies.

For the successful development of successBC I have created a Supervisory Board and an Advisory Board with some well know people from the aerospace industry. Let me mentione some of the names:

- Karl J. Dersch - Founding Member of the Board of Directors of DASA
- Ulrich K. Wegener - Former Commander and Founder of the GSG9 Special Forces
- Peter Trautmann - Managing Director of the Airport in Munich
- Georg Fongern - Speaker of the German Pilot Union and A340 Captain of Lufthansa
- Dr. Wolfgang Burr - Former Head of the Arms Department -Ministry of Defence
- Matthias Wissmann - Former Minister of Transportation
- Capt. Lawrence Hecker - Former Co-Pilot of the Airforce One
- Neil Albrecht - Former Vicepresident Sales & Marketing American Airlines
- Peter Maximovic - VP LFK GmbH of the DASA
- etc.

During this time I was as well member of several associations and organizations on national and international level:

- BDLI - German Aerospace Industry Association
- Deutsches Verkehrsforum - German Transportation Forum
- ATAG - Air Transport Action Group
- ALROUND - member of the Board of Directors
- Personal Member of the WINGSCLUB New York
- Founding Member - Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Development Association Airport Mönchengladbach"

Parallely I was one of the major shareholder of "RAS Airline" from 1999-2001 together with the daughter of the founder of LTU Airlines - Beate Hüttner. I was as well Managing Director of this company and approved Accountable Manager. We have operated two ATR42.

The result of these success was, that I was one of the Finalists of the Award "Entrepreneur of the Year 2000" as well mentioned approx. 400 times in different newspapers and TV reports about Aircraft Security.

I have prepared VIDAIR AG for an potential IPO included all meetings with the responsible banks, analysts etc.

Many thanks for your support and help.