Thursday, May 25, 2006

Venture Capital Workshops 2006 in cooperation between successBC and Silvervox Venture Partners

Dear all,

successBC in cooperation with Silver Fox Venture Partners will start 4 different
Venture Capital Workshops in September 2006.

The Workshops will take place on different locations in Europe.

The exact dates and locations we will publish shortly.

The target group are Investors as well companies which are looking for
Venture Capital or are in the funding process.

The workshops are:
  • Inside the Investor
  • Planning, Funding, Executing and Exiting a New Venture
  • The Elevator Pitch
  • The formal Investment Presentation
The price for a half day workshop will be € 200 p. person and for a full day workshop € 400 per person.

The details you will find here:

Further details we will send you on request.

Warm regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder