Monday, February 27, 2006

Two new features on successBC - Easier Registration & Personal Invitation Page

Dear all,

as mentioned before, we have now two new features on successBC.

Easier Registration

We have modified the Registration Process now. There are 3 more fields to fill in during the Basic Registration, but the advantage now is, that the new member is directly visible as a new member and not only after he has completed his / her profile.

Invitation Page

If you move now to the TAB Invite you will find an additional TAB "Personal Invitation Page". This is a personal site which you can create by yourself. As well you will find there your personal invitation LINK which you can use on your website or in your mails.

As sample, here you will find my LINK:

If you klick on that link you will be guided directly to the personal invitation page. The person you have invited can click on the button and will be forwarded to the registration site.

I think that is a great new feature.

If you need some more information, please let me know.

I will send out an Mailing today to all members about this new features.

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

successBC mentioned by HRS in the actual HRS newsletter

Dear all,

based on the partnership between successBC and HRS Hotel Reservation Service, successBC is mentioned in the newest HRS NEWSLETTER.

This newsletter was send to all the HRS customers and is available online in the internet.

Many thanks to HRS and this excellent service.

Markus Römmen

If you like to book your Hotel for your business- or vacation trip please use the following link:

Thursday, February 16, 2006

successBC Limited incorporated

Dear all,

when we started with successBC we have done that under the umbrella of the swiss holding: "successBC powered by Evolutium".

Now after the great successful start we have incorporated a separate company for the activities and services of successBC.

- successBC Limited -

Here you will see the details:

successBC Limited
26 Albany Street
EH1 3QH Edinburgh
Scotland - UK

Phone: +44 870 478 0518
Fax: +44 870 478 0487

Monday, February 13, 2006

Lobbying versus networking - A word in change?!

As I founded one of my enterprises in the avaiation / aerospace market a couple of years ago, we named "networking" - LOBBYING.

What did we do in this time?

We developed a network from interesting persons, who helped us to develop our business successfully! A further aspect was the membership in the most different federations and associations to meet new people.

What was the goal?

The goal was to market our products, services and us as person faster and more effectively then in the normal way.

What did we reach?

We brought our products 10 times faster into the market!

How much time did the LOBBYING cost us?

I would say, that 30% of the daily work time were used
for the LOBBYING !

Were this employment and expenditure worthwhile themselves?

YES! You will ask me why?

  • We invested fewer capitals into the selling!
  • We invested fewer capitals into the marketing!
  • The relationship to our customers and partners was much more stronger!
  • We have met interesting people!
  • We have reached our targets and goals much more faster!
  • etc...
How was LOBBYING working at this time?

And here I am talking about a time around 1997 - that means 8 years agao.

LOBBYING was working at this time only face to face. The target at this time was to make business and not to collect contacts and business cards! At this time it was important to have the right quality and the right quantity of contacts in the right market at the right time.

What can we learn from it for the future?

We can easily learn the following things:

  • Build your network
  • Have the right people available at the right time
  • Concentrate on quality and not on quantity, thus this important network can be maintained!
  • Use Online Platforms but as well Face to Face Meetings, SKYPE or PHONE Calls,
    Networking Events etc.
  • Talk to your network regularly in order to recognize changes
  • Collect so much information about your network as possible
  • Use your network every day

And what is the Conclusion?

The conclusion is, that we have other words for the same things today!

A further conclusion is however also, that we should not lose the quality of our contacts out of our eyes as well the personal relations to our contacts.

Networking is a very important and success-promising tool, but you have to use it in the right and in a sensible way.

I wish you a successful networking day!

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
www.successBC Limited

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Is there something like "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" for networkers

There is a question I am asking me all the time: "Is there something similar like the - Maslows´s hierachy of needs - for networkers?"

Here some reasons which can be important for networkers:

  • for one it is important to have a hight quantity of contacts
  • for one it is important to be a part of a big and worldwide community
  • for one it is important to find new and interesting people
  • for one it is important to expand his business
  • etc.
I am sure that there are several reasons more.

What are the motives? What are the aims?

Maslow´s hierachy of needs

Maslow's primary contribution to psychology is his
Hierarchy of Human Needs, which he often presented as a pyramid, with self-actualization at the top as the highest of those needs (or conflicts or tensions) in ones life. The base of the pyramid is the physiological needs, which are necessary for survival. Once these are taken care of (resolved), an individual can concentrate on the second layer, the need for safety and security. The third layer is the need for love and belonging, followed by the need for esteem. Finally, self-actualization forms the apex of the pyramid.

The idea of the pyramid came to his mind after an inspiration on visiting the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

In this scheme, the first four layers are what Maslow called deficiency needs or D-needs. If they are not filled, you feel anxiety and attempt to fill them. If they are filled, you feel nothing; you feel only the lack. Each layer also takes precedence over the layer above it; you do not feel the lack of safety and security until your physiological needs are taken care of, for example. In Maslow's terminology, a need does not become salient until the needs below it are met.

Needs beyond the D-needs are "growth needs", "being values" or B-needs. When fulfilled, they do not go away, rather, they motivate further. He outlines about 14 of these values or B-needs, including beauty, meaning, truth, wholeness, justice, order, simplicity, richness, etc.

Maslow also proposed that people who have reached self-actualization will sometimes experience a state he referred to as "transcendence," in which they become aware of not only their own fullest potential, but the fullest potential of human beings at large. He described this transcendence and its characteristics in an essay in the posthumously published The Farther Reaches in Human Nature. In the essay, he describes this experience as not always being transitory, but that certain individuals might have ready access to it, and spend more time in this state. He makes a point that these individuals experience not only ecstatic joy, but also profound, "cosmic-sadness," (Maslow, 1971) at the ability of humans to foil chances of transcendence in their own lives, and in the world at large.

I am sure that you have your motives as well to join a network like successBC.

What are your aims? What are your motives?

I am looking forward to your feedback.

Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman and Founder
successBC Limited

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Evolutiner Club / The VIP Level on successBC

The members which are represented world-wide are members of executive commitees, managing directors of interesting internationally operating companies as well as wealthy private people and representatives of the different governments.

Goals of the Gold Members

The goals of the "Gold Members" are:

  • the assignment of scholarships
  • the support of research projects at universities
  • the support of charity projects
  • the economic co-operation of the members
  • the use of the common network of the members
  • the optimization of economic decision-makting processes
  • the execution of meetings for the members
  • the execution of an annual reception for the members
  • etc......
A further emphasis of the "Gold Members" is the support of the topic "Entrepreneurship", thus the support and promotion of foundations of a entity as well as teh support of young people around this topic. Part of these activities is the execution of Seminars at schools and universities as well the support of projects there.

Further advantages of the Gold Membership Level are:

  • 100% privacy
  • own e-mail adress like
  • One VIP-Dinner per year with a prominent speaker
  • Access to several special offers of hotels, airlines etc.
  • full access to the successBC database
  • special Events for the Gold Members
  • Special forums where the Gold Members can communicate
  • worldwide members
  • private club
Further informations we will send you on request.

Have a nice networking day

Your successBC Team

Friday, February 10, 2006

Dr. Gerry Lemberg joined the panel of the successBC Entrepreneur Award

We are pleased to communicate that Gerry Lemberg joined the panel of the successBC Entreprenuer Award

Gerry will be as well one of the keynote speaker during the "Entrepreneurship Conference" organized by successBC and the
Evolutiner in 2006.

Gerry is Chairman and visionary of
Silver Fox. A noted speaker, university lecturer and investment panel judge, Gerry is passionate about building customer-focussed, market-leading companies. A veteran of many notable successful technology start-ups, Gerry brings experience, contacts and insight from over 37 years early-stage business development with a diverse range of companies including Fairchild Instruments, Intel, Apple, Electronic Arts and Oracle. Gerry holds a PhD from MIT, a Masters degree from Brandeis University and a JD from the University of California . He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts.

Gerry is as well a Lifetime Member on

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Advantage of the creation of an Advisory Board

When I have founded VIDAIR AG in 1997 somebody told me, that I have to create a well know Supervisory Board if I would like to work in the Aerospace Industry.

At this time I knew somebody he worked for Daimler Chrysler and he recommended a person which maybe could take over the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. He introduced me to Mr. Karl J. Dersch, one of the Founding Directors of the DASA and some other organisations. Karl J. Dersch was well known in the Aerospace Industry.

I have had the chance to present him my idea of VIDAIR AG and he joined VIDAIR AG as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Karl J. Dersch was one of the great networkers at this time.

In one of our first meetings he told me, that we have to set up an Advisory Board for VIDAIR AG. There was no real legal function of an Advisory Board, but these people could work as dooropener for the different markets.

Through the network of Karl J. Dersch I was introduced to several well know people from the aersospace industry, the defence industry and the automotive industry.

As example we could integrate Mr. Matthias Wissmann the former Minister of Transportation into our Supervisory Board as well Mr. Urlich K. Wegener (Former Commander of the GSG9 Special Forces), Peter Trautmann (Managing Director of the Airport in Munich), Georg Fongern (Speaker of the German Pilot Union), Dr. Wolfgang Burr (Former Head of the Arms Department in the Ministry of Defence) as well Captain Lawrence Hecker (Co-Pilot of the Airforce One), Neil Albrecht (Vice President Sales & Marketing American Airlines).

These are only a few names.

The result was, that VIDAIR was presented approx. 400 times in different newspapers as well in several TV-reports and we got the right entrance to the right decision makers!

Another suggestion of Karl J. Dersch was to join the most important Associations to start networking with the right people.

That was the beginning of my networking time and I have learned how you can accelerate your business as well your success with the help of the right networks.

Many thanks for your attention

Yours Markus Roemmen

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Partnership between economie and successBC

successBC and economie have agreed today to a partnership.

economie aims to help create a world where investment with social, environmental and ethical consideration is the universal norm.

We believe, as a matter of principle, that each individual should be able to invest in a way that reflects his or her personal values.

Perhaps more importantly, we believe that together we can take charge of our monetary power to build a future in which prosperity doesn't rely on the impoverishment of others, despoiling the environment or fuelling conflict.

We aim to achieve this by raising global awareness of socially responsible investment, by transforming attitudes towards it and, more specifically, by increasing public access to expert SRI advice.

The first tangible products of this are:

* the SRI certification courses for financial advisers
* the SRI and CSR conference in Zurich, October 2006: "eco6".

Further information about economie you will find here:

economie has placed already a link to our sites here:

We are looking into a great partnership and are happy to support economie with all of our possibilities.

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder