Monday, February 27, 2006

Two new features on successBC - Easier Registration & Personal Invitation Page

Dear all,

as mentioned before, we have now two new features on successBC.

Easier Registration

We have modified the Registration Process now. There are 3 more fields to fill in during the Basic Registration, but the advantage now is, that the new member is directly visible as a new member and not only after he has completed his / her profile.

Invitation Page

If you move now to the TAB Invite you will find an additional TAB "Personal Invitation Page". This is a personal site which you can create by yourself. As well you will find there your personal invitation LINK which you can use on your website or in your mails.

As sample, here you will find my LINK:

If you klick on that link you will be guided directly to the personal invitation page. The person you have invited can click on the button and will be forwarded to the registration site.

I think that is a great new feature.

If you need some more information, please let me know.

I will send out an Mailing today to all members about this new features.

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited