Monday, February 13, 2006

Lobbying versus networking - A word in change?!

As I founded one of my enterprises in the avaiation / aerospace market a couple of years ago, we named "networking" - LOBBYING.

What did we do in this time?

We developed a network from interesting persons, who helped us to develop our business successfully! A further aspect was the membership in the most different federations and associations to meet new people.

What was the goal?

The goal was to market our products, services and us as person faster and more effectively then in the normal way.

What did we reach?

We brought our products 10 times faster into the market!

How much time did the LOBBYING cost us?

I would say, that 30% of the daily work time were used
for the LOBBYING !

Were this employment and expenditure worthwhile themselves?

YES! You will ask me why?

  • We invested fewer capitals into the selling!
  • We invested fewer capitals into the marketing!
  • The relationship to our customers and partners was much more stronger!
  • We have met interesting people!
  • We have reached our targets and goals much more faster!
  • etc...
How was LOBBYING working at this time?

And here I am talking about a time around 1997 - that means 8 years agao.

LOBBYING was working at this time only face to face. The target at this time was to make business and not to collect contacts and business cards! At this time it was important to have the right quality and the right quantity of contacts in the right market at the right time.

What can we learn from it for the future?

We can easily learn the following things:

  • Build your network
  • Have the right people available at the right time
  • Concentrate on quality and not on quantity, thus this important network can be maintained!
  • Use Online Platforms but as well Face to Face Meetings, SKYPE or PHONE Calls,
    Networking Events etc.
  • Talk to your network regularly in order to recognize changes
  • Collect so much information about your network as possible
  • Use your network every day

And what is the Conclusion?

The conclusion is, that we have other words for the same things today!

A further conclusion is however also, that we should not lose the quality of our contacts out of our eyes as well the personal relations to our contacts.

Networking is a very important and success-promising tool, but you have to use it in the right and in a sensible way.

I wish you a successful networking day!

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
www.successBC Limited