Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Evolutiner Club / The VIP Level on successBC

The members which are represented world-wide are members of executive commitees, managing directors of interesting internationally operating companies as well as wealthy private people and representatives of the different governments.

Goals of the Gold Members

The goals of the "Gold Members" are:

  • the assignment of scholarships
  • the support of research projects at universities
  • the support of charity projects
  • the economic co-operation of the members
  • the use of the common network of the members
  • the optimization of economic decision-makting processes
  • the execution of meetings for the members
  • the execution of an annual reception for the members
  • etc......
A further emphasis of the "Gold Members" is the support of the topic "Entrepreneurship", thus the support and promotion of foundations of a entity as well as teh support of young people around this topic. Part of these activities is the execution of Seminars at schools and universities as well the support of projects there.

Further advantages of the Gold Membership Level are:

  • 100% privacy
  • own e-mail adress like
  • One VIP-Dinner per year with a prominent speaker
  • Access to several special offers of hotels, airlines etc.
  • full access to the successBC database
  • special Events for the Gold Members
  • Special forums where the Gold Members can communicate
  • worldwide members
  • private club
Further informations we will send you on request.

Have a nice networking day

Your successBC Team