Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Partnership between economie and successBC

successBC and economie have agreed today to a partnership.

economie aims to help create a world where investment with social, environmental and ethical consideration is the universal norm.

We believe, as a matter of principle, that each individual should be able to invest in a way that reflects his or her personal values.

Perhaps more importantly, we believe that together we can take charge of our monetary power to build a future in which prosperity doesn't rely on the impoverishment of others, despoiling the environment or fuelling conflict.

We aim to achieve this by raising global awareness of socially responsible investment, by transforming attitudes towards it and, more specifically, by increasing public access to expert SRI advice.

The first tangible products of this are:

* the SRI certification courses for financial advisers
* the SRI and CSR conference in Zurich, October 2006: "eco6".

Further information about economie you will find here:

economie has placed already a link to our sites here:

We are looking into a great partnership and are happy to support economie with all of our possibilities.

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder