Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hans Dietrich Genscher as Guest of Honor - Charity Gala Dinner 2006 in Hamburg

We have the honor to announce, that the former Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Federal Chancellor ret. - Mr. Hans Dietrich Genscher will participate as Guest of Honor during our Charity Gala Dinner on the 3rd of October 2006 at the Hotel Atlantic Kempinski in Hamburg.

Together with Mikhail Gorbatschow - Hans Dietrich Genscher was one of the key people for the German Reunification.

The vitae of Mr. Genscher you will find here:

Additional information about the Charity Gala Dinner you will find here:

Warm regards

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited
The Evolutiner Club

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Marketing Campaign of successBC to support the DKMS - German Bone Marrow Donor Center

Until Dec 31st, 2006 we have a limited offer to you: thanks to a cooperation with 'DKMS – German Bone Marrow Donor Center' ( ( you can now sign up for a one-year successBC Premium Membership for only EUR 30,-- (equals EUR 2,50 per month).

With your membership fee, you will also support the DKMS as 50% of your membership fee will be donated to the DKMS.

The offer is valid for new members as well as current members upgrading their account, with yearly payment of the membership fee.

You can upgrade your membership here:

Join successBC here:

The motto of our cooperation is: "Does the membership fee serve as an indicator for quality?
successBC and its responsibility for charity projects".

This campaing will also be launched via press and TV in the next couple of days.

The German Bone Marrow Donor Center and successBC is looking forward to your support! Thank you!

Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Free Premium Membership with successBC for Press representatives

Free Premium Membership with successBC! Press representatives can now register for free with successBC in the context of the Charity Gala Dinner with our Guest of Honor Mikhail Gorbachev

In the context of the Charity Gala Dinner on Oct 3rd with our Guest of Honor Mikhail Gorbachev, we are happy to announce that press representatives (TV, print, digital media) have the possibility to sign up for a full one-year successBC Premium Membership ( for free.

Within the member area, you have access to additional information on the event, the participants etc.

If you are interested in attending the Charity Gala Dinner, please use this link to register:

More information on the Charity Gala Dinner is available at

For any questions and further information please do not hesitate to contact Markus Roemmen – Chairman & Founder successBC Ltd. and The Evolutiner Club.

Best regards

Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Kostenlose Premium-Mitgliedschaft bei successBC für die Vertreter der Presse / Medien

Kostenlose Premium-Mitgliedschaft bei successBC! Pressevertreter können sich im Rahmen des Charity Gala Dinner mit Michael Gorbatschow ab sofort kostenlos für eine volle 1-jahr successBC Premium Mitgliedschaft registrieren

Im Rahmen des Charity Gala Dinner am 3. Oktober mit Ehrengast Michael Gorbatschow teilen wir Ihnen gerne mit, dass sich Pressevertreter (TV, Print, Digitale Medien) kostenlos bei successBC ( für eine volle 1-Jahres Premium Mitgliedschaft registrieren können.

Im Mitgliederbereich werden laufend zusätzliche Informationen zur Veranstaltung, den Teilnehmern etc. hinterlegt.

Wenn Sie am Charity Gala Dinner teilnehmen möchten, verwenden Sie bitte diesen Link:

Mehr Informationen zum Charity Gala Dinner können Sie unter abrufen.

Als Ansprechpartner steht Ihnen Markus Roemmen – Chairman & Founder successBC Ltd. und The Evolutiner Club gerne zur Verfügung.

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Thursday, June 29, 2006

New successBC Country Manager for Pakistan

Dear all,

we are happy to announce, that Khalid Muhammad took over the responsibility as Country Manager for Pakistan.

Khalid Muhammad is a visionary leader and business builder, with experience on 3 continents of the world. He provides a “special blend” of Western understanding with Eastern values to everything that he does. Today, Khalid is a national spokesman to businesses, universities and private individuals on the value of social networking and how to use it to improve not only business opportunities, but build fantastic friendships. Professionally, Khalid is the Founder and Group Managing Director of the emagine group (, a global venture capital and management firm.

Khalid´s Profile on successBC you will find here:

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

successBC and the Evolutiner Club will support the Bone Marrow Donor Center - DKMS

Edinburgh, 20th of June 2006

successBC and the Evolutiner Club are supporting from now the DKMS - Bone Marrow Donor Center with 10 EURO of the yearly membership fees from each member of successBC and the Evolutiner Club .

With this project, successBC and the Evolutiner Club are following one of their major goals and aims to support Charity Projects arround the world..

DKMS - Bone Marrow Donor Center

There's nothing more inspiring in life than having goals. When DKMS was founded in Germany, our aim was to recruit as many people as possible to our cause in order to give more leukemia patients a new chance to live. We have achieved a lot since then: in early 1991, there were only approximately 3,000 voluntary potential bone marrow donors in Germany. Following the foundation of DKMS in the same year, more than 68,000 donors were registered.

Within just five years, DKMS was the world's largest bone marrow donor center. Today, DKMS counts more than 1.3 million donors.

What is even more important than these figures is the willingness of each registered donor to help. It is the courage and commitment of each individual that count in the battle against leukemia and without which the DKMS would not be where it is today.

Despite our past successes, there is still a lot of work to do. Our latest goal is to reach the 2 million mark to give us a chance to save even more lives of people who suffer from leukemia, giving them a chance to achieve their own goals. Because that is how we measure true success.

We look forward to helping connect DKMS donors with patients in need, wherever they may live.

Learn more about DKMS ( and their pioneering work to build the largest donor database in the world.

Warm regards

Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited
Evolutiner Club

Monday, June 05, 2006

Representation Office of successBC and The Evolutiner Club in GERMANY

Dear all,

we have setup a representation office in Germany for successBC and the Evolutiner Club which you can reach under the following coordinates:

successBC / The Evolutiner Club
Markus Roemmen
Bergweg 2
D-85296 Rohrbach

Phone: +49 8442 9592 969
Mobil: +49 170 549 3544

This office was as well established to coordinate our Charity / Gala Dinner 2006 in Hamburg
with our Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker Mr.Michail Gorbachev.

Warm regards

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Venture Capital Workshops 2006 in cooperation between successBC and Silvervox Venture Partners

Dear all,

successBC in cooperation with Silver Fox Venture Partners will start 4 different
Venture Capital Workshops in September 2006.

The Workshops will take place on different locations in Europe.

The exact dates and locations we will publish shortly.

The target group are Investors as well companies which are looking for
Venture Capital or are in the funding process.

The workshops are:
  • Inside the Investor
  • Planning, Funding, Executing and Exiting a New Venture
  • The Elevator Pitch
  • The formal Investment Presentation
The price for a half day workshop will be € 200 p. person and for a full day workshop € 400 per person.

The details you will find here:

Further details we will send you on request.

Warm regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder

Thursday, May 18, 2006

successBC / Evolutiner Gala Dinner 2006 - Attendance price

Dear all,

the price for the successBC / Evolutiner Gala Dinner on the 3rd of
October 2006 with Mikhail Gorbachev as Guest of Honor and
Keynote Speaker is:

EURO 395,-- per Person

and includes the participation in:

  • the Reception
  • the Gala Dinner (excl. drinks)
  • the evening program

in the Hotel Atlantic Kempinski in Hamburg.

There are as well special Sponsor packages available. Fur further questions
pls. contact Markus Roemmen or
+49 174 729 64 64.

We expect 600 attendees.

Further information as well the pre-registration you will find here:

Warm regards

Markus Roemmen

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Monika Burchard joined the successBC Trainer Team

Monika joined the successBC Trainer Team.

More about the successBC Seminar Sessions and Trainingprograms you will find here:

Monika Burchard

President of 'International Personality Profiling' and known as 'The Performance Doctor for Teams and Individuals' Monika has been working since 1995 as trainer, coach and HR consultant in Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, North Africa, Japan and Russia. Her main fields of activities comprise personality analysis, team- and personal development, training in leadership as well as in presentation, time management, motivation, communication, sales and exhibition. She is a frequently requested speaker at international conferences, giving trainings in German, English, French and Spanish. In June 2002 she was awarded first place by Junior Chamber International in the category 'Most Outstanding European Training Activity'.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mikhail Gorbachev as Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker of the Evolutiner/successBC Charity Gala Dinner 2006

successBC ( ) and the Evolutiner Club ( ) are hosting the Charity-Gala Dinner 2006, which will take place on the 3rd of October 2006 in theHotel Atlantic Kempinski in Hamburg.

We have the great honor and pleasure to announce, that our Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker of the Evening will be the Nobel Prize Winner and former President of the Soviet Union -
Mr. Mikchail Gorbachev (Michael Gorbatschow)

Further details and the program of the evening we will publish in the next day.

successBC ( ) und der Evolutiner Club ( ) organisieren das diesjährige Charity Gala Dinner, welches am 03. Oktober 2006 im Hotel Atlantic Kempinskiin Hamburg stattfinden wird.

Es ist uns eine Ehre und Freude Ihnen anzukündigen, dass der Nobelpreisträger und ehemalige Präsident der UDSSR Herr Michail Gorbatschow unser Ehrengast und Hauptredner des Abends sein wird.

Die Details sowie das Veranstaltungsprogramm werden in den kommenden Tagen veröffentlicht.

Teilnehmer sind Verteter aus der Politik, der Industrie sowie bekannte Persönlichkeiten.

Über weitere Details werden wir Sie kurzfristig informieren.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

successBC - Creating real value through networking

We have defined a new slogan for successBC:

Creating real value through networking

In contrast to other major virtual networks, sheer size is not the goal of successBC - but creating a trusted network for people who are interested in professional business networking, rather than harvesting contacts and just wasting their and also your own time.

successBC therefore represents the next generation of networking: doing networking not for the sake of its own, but seeing it as a means to foster business deals amongst a network of quality people.

successBC is

- an active, trusted business network
- of quality contacts only
- that are looking out for serious business deals
- to create real value.

Please have a look to some testimonials what members are saying about successBC.

Please visit as well our new corporate website:


Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

ASSG - The Aerospace Security & Safety Group

Dear all,

based on my experience I have created a new Group and you are invited to join this group by following the LINK:

Welcome to ASSG - The Aerospace Security & Safety Group which is adressed to all professionals which are involved in Aerospace Security and Safety matter like

  • Airlines,
  • Government,
  • Airports,
  • Pilot Unions,
  • Consultants
  • etc.

If you are part of these organizations, please feel free to join our group here.

The target & the goal in this group is to discuss

  • the actual situation,
  • perspectives
  • new technologies
  • etc.

My Experience in the Aerospace Industry:

From 1996 -2001 I was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of VIDAIR AG based in Mönchengladbach Germany and with own subsidiaries in France, Singapore and the United States.

VIDAIR AG have developed new technologies to increase the security and safety of aircraft. One of our major products was the Digital Flight View Recorder (Video-Black-Box) as the new generation of the crash (data- / voice recorder) recorder.

Further products were Cargo-Fire-Monitoring Systems based on a new self-developed camera technology as well cabin monitoring systems to monitor the cabin based on hidden-cameras as example for High-Jacking- Situations. Further more cameras at the outside area.

VIDAIR AG was involved in the camera technology for the A340-600 as well the A380.

Further more the GSG9 Special Forces have installed a system in the training center of the GSG9.

During my time as CEO I was speaker / consultant for the NTSB - National Transportation Board for new recorder technologies.

For the successful development of successBC I have created a Supervisory Board and an Advisory Board with some well know people from the aerospace industry. Let me mentione some of the names:

- Karl J. Dersch - Founding Member of the Board of Directors of DASA
- Ulrich K. Wegener - Former Commander and Founder of the GSG9 Special Forces
- Peter Trautmann - Managing Director of the Airport in Munich
- Georg Fongern - Speaker of the German Pilot Union and A340 Captain of Lufthansa
- Dr. Wolfgang Burr - Former Head of the Arms Department -Ministry of Defence
- Matthias Wissmann - Former Minister of Transportation
- Capt. Lawrence Hecker - Former Co-Pilot of the Airforce One
- Neil Albrecht - Former Vicepresident Sales & Marketing American Airlines
- Peter Maximovic - VP LFK GmbH of the DASA
- etc.

During this time I was as well member of several associations and organizations on national and international level:

- BDLI - German Aerospace Industry Association
- Deutsches Verkehrsforum - German Transportation Forum
- ATAG - Air Transport Action Group
- ALROUND - member of the Board of Directors
- Personal Member of the WINGSCLUB New York
- Founding Member - Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Development Association Airport Mönchengladbach"

Parallely I was one of the major shareholder of "RAS Airline" from 1999-2001 together with the daughter of the founder of LTU Airlines - Beate Hüttner. I was as well Managing Director of this company and approved Accountable Manager. We have operated two ATR42.

The result of these success was, that I was one of the Finalists of the Award "Entrepreneur of the Year 2000" as well mentioned approx. 400 times in different newspapers and TV reports about Aircraft Security.

I have prepared VIDAIR AG for an potential IPO included all meetings with the responsible banks, analysts etc.

Many thanks for your support and help.

Monday, April 03, 2006

New Country Manager for Germany

Dear all,

we are happy to announce, that
Manfred Buechel took over the role as Country Manager for Germany.

Manfred is a hands on, high speed and level international Executive Manager and Networker. He is Business and engineering driven, innovative. Leader and coach. Innovator. Searching for international challenge to run a Company and/or a Sales & Marketing Group. Open minded, hands on, pragmatic, high speed, multi cultural boundaryless, excellent Networker, Entrepreneur with social competence. Manfred holds the Proven track records predicate in Sales & Marketing by General Electric, Great Lakes and GE Polymerland in the Chemical & Polymer Industry. Excellent Polymer Know-how and industrialization experience at leading international acting customers. He is well experienced with all kind of industries from small to medium size up to Top notch big Customers and OEM´S. He easily talks to all kind of people up to C-Level. He was awarded by GE with the customer productivity award in big projects and saving due to innovations and construction improvrments big amounts of money for his clients. He is called customers advocate in the sake to represent the real market & customer needs in each organization successfully. He reached at all positions double digit growth at excellent ebita cash flow in pretty tough and competitive markets. He his multi cultural, open, hand some and approachable as manager all the time. He is accountable, trustful and holds always the promises he made. As well under difficult circumstances and high pressure.
He enlarged his view by Innovation Consulting new Technologies from R&D, Strategy, to Business planning, V.C. His Network is spanned over the globe further enlarging with competent open minded High Level Networking Peoples.

We wish Manfred all the best for his new challenge.

Markus Roemmen

Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Rohit Talwar joined successBC as Non-Executive-Director

We are happy and proud to announce, that the Board of Directors of successBC have elected Mr. Rohit Talwar as Non-Executive-Director of successBC and as member of the Advisory Board of successBC.

Rohit is as well a member of The Evolutiner Club.

Rohit is a global futurist, inspirational speaker, strategist, innovator and change agent. In January 2006, Rohit was profiled as one of the top 10 global trendwatchers by The UK’s Independent Newspaper. In October 2005 he won the prestigious ‘stickiest guru’ award after being voted best speaker for his presentation on the future of travel at Asia’s largest travel conference. As a result, he was then asked to deliver the keynote address on future travel risks and opportunities to the ASEAN travel ministers’ Forum (ATF) in the Philippines in January 2006. In February 2006 he was invited to chair the conference and deliver a keynote address on the World in 2020 at the first World CEO Forum in Dubai.

Rohit is internationally recognized as an innovative thinker and action orientated, insightful, entertaining and thought-provoking speaker on future global trends and challenges. He draws on over 10,000 hours of research from his global analyst team to deliver compelling future business insights.

Rohit advises global corporations, innovative start-ups and governments to address key trends, develop inspiring future visions and deliver innovative change. He is currently helping clients respond to the rise of Asia and is writing a book on China’s impact on 21st century global businesses.

Rohit has launched a personal campaign to raise One million pounds for good causes. He started with a fund raising seminar and dinner for the Pakistan Earthquake Red Cross Appeal in Singapore – an event that received widespread TV, press, radio and web coverage across Asia. Rohit is currently working with a number of parties to develop a programme of fund raising events. Rohit would welcome suggestions for other events and activities that could form part of the fund raising campaign.

He has spoken and consulted on 5 continents and over 20 countries including Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, The Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, the UK, the USA and Zimbabwe.

Rohit’s clients include ABN Amro, The BBC, BT, BAT, BAe, Berwin Leighton Paisner, Cargill, Chloride, Citibank, DeutscheBank, EADS, Electrolux, Ernst & Young, GSK, IBM, Intel, Linklaters, Marks and Spencer, Morgan Stanley, Nokia, Nomura, Novartis, Orange, Panasonic, Pfizer, Playtex, PwC, Shell, Thames Water and Yellow Pages.

In government he has worked with the US Department of Defense, the Singapore National Horizon Scanning Centre and in the UK – the Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Defence Science and Technology Laboratories (dstl), Home Office, Environment Agency, Foreign Office, Health Modernisation Agency, Ministry of Defence and Office of Science and Technology and the Departments for Constitutional Affairs, Trade and Industry and Environment Food and Rural Affairs.

You can reach Rohit via the following e-mail adress:

Warmest Regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

New Country Manager for Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka

We are really happy and proud to announce, that Linda Ruck will take over the responsibility as Country Manager for Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

Linda Ruck is an Australian business woman living and working in Singapore. In 1998, she resigned from a secure Australian Government position to move to Vietnam to work as a volunteer in a children's charity. In the 4 years she was based in Vietnam she worked for various charities, as well as being a consultant to the Marriott Group and the Australian High Commission. During this time she became the country's leading Expatriate writer on human interest issues.

In 2002, she moved to Singapore, managed an event company and started a niche magazine. Linda has interviewed some of the world's most high profile people and leaders. From interviewing Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, to questioning business entrepreneur Ho Kwong Ping, to bouncing ideas with master coach Robert Kiyosaki, to sharing personal thoughts with Anita Roddick and having a tête-à-tête over a cup of coffee with Rudi Giuliani, Al Ries and Tom Peters.

Singapore's most successful and respected entrepreneur Kenny Yap officially launched Linda's own boutique PR company in August 2005. A natural networker in the eight years since being based in Asia she has established an extensive network of Asia Pacific business contacts and hosts regular Entrepreneur networking nights. Linda is an adventurer, committed conservationist and philanthropist.

You can reach Linda at:

pls. visit here profile on successBC as well which you will find here:,0,1

We wish Linda all the best with her new challenge.

Markus Roemmen

Chairman & Founder

successBC Limited

New Country Manager Australia

We are really happy that successBC is now represented as well in Australia. Our former Country Manager for Singapore and Malaysia -John Smallwood - will move to Australia and will take over the responsibility as Country Manager for Australia.

John you can reach by the following e-mail address:

We wish John all the best for his new challenge.


Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Thursday, March 23, 2006

What is the value of a network?

Let me start with a provocative question!

"If you join a new network, are you looking at first for the quantity of the existing members?"

If yes, you are looking not for the value of a network! In this case you can visit a soccer statdium or a musik / rock concert, there you will find thousands of people.

The second provocative question is the following one:

"Are you looking for, how much people of your existing network are already there?"

If you can answer this question with YES, why you will join this network, because there are a lot of people you already now and there is no need to join this network.

But, if you can answer the following questions with YES, then the new network will be the right one for you:

-1- Are there people I would like to know?
-2- Are there people where I can start business with?
-3- Can I find there additional content which supplements my knowledge?
-4- Are there special offers which I can use? Maybe special discounts for services and products!
-5- Will I find people with my interests there?
-6- Are there topics I would like to discuss over?
-7- Are you looking for a high class network and for quality?
-8- Are they offering special events I can join?
-9- Are they organizing regular meetings in my area?
-10- Do I have the chance to meet my virtual contacts personally?
-11- Do I find there, which I am looking for?
-12- How easy I can connect with new people?

And one of the most important questions is..... is there a clear focus or just a collection of individuals? A clear focus means...what are the targets and goals! What is the mission and what is the vision?

Another question is.... are you there to be there or are you there to increase your nework? In this case you should do so much as possible in order to create the basis for your targets, goals and success. That means... it´s not the right way to be there and do nothing! The second point is, that you should create the basis, that other people will find you. That means you should use the possibilities of the platform to present yourself, your projects, your business, your targets and goal, you dreams, wishes etc..

So... other people will have the chance to find you otherwise you are searching all the time.... why you do not let other people to find you? That´s the easiest way!

And one of my final questions is: "Do I just join a platform or do I really join a network"?

I know! Questions over Questions? But you have to answer all these questions for yourself, otherwise you are a member of 30 networks but... with no result and no success!

I have learned something the last couple of years: It´s not important to know everything... but it´s important to have access to the right people, with answers to the right questions at the right moment!

This is the philosophy of networking, to create the right junctions and find the right multiplicators.

Here we are back to "RULE 150".

Don´t waste your time with ACCEPT..ACCEPT...ACCEPT a new contact.

Maintain your network and take the time to communicate with your network!

These are just some thoughts to make you sensible in the new generation of networking!

Please feel free to communicate your opinion. I am really interested why people are joining networks.

Have a successful day.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

WINGSFACTOR - The Open Networking Book

WINGSFACTOR - The Open Networking Book is the first global publication ever to give an overview of the world of networking, evolving from a joint project of the two successful entrepreneurs & networkers Markus Roemmen and Robert Steiner to provide orientation for professional networkers all over the world.

WINGSFACTOR - The Open Networking Book is designed for all people committed to the idea of "networking" who want to increase their networking power and success by establishing elitist top-level contacts. It provides a qualitative overview with first-hand field reports on numerous topics of an international networker's life, and is therefore divided into the following categories:

+ networking.DEVELOPMENTS: a historic overview of the development of networking and lobbying to gain a better understanding of the framework

+ networking.BESTPRACTICES: examples and guidance - first-hand information of successful networkers - to increase your networking effectiveness and efficiency

+ networking.PLACES: an overview of all important places to expand your network, comprising virtual networks as well as real offline networks

+ networking.PEOPLE: an introduction of the worlds most important and powerful networkers and success stories to show the high potential of networking

+ networking.EVENTS: an overview of the most important events, conferences, symposia etc. to identify the most appropriate events for you

+ networking.BOOKS: a selection of qualitative books on the topic of networking to foster your networking intelligence

+ networking.TOOLS: technical solutions including hardware and software to ease the life of the professional networker

+ networking.SCIENCE: information on organizations committed to the scientific view of networking

+ networking.LIFE: offers, services and information for the networker's leisure time to relax and network

+ networking.LINKS: additional information resources on the topic of networking to complete a real networker's knowledge base

WINGSFACTOR - The Open Networking Book - a must-have for the professional and powerful networker in the new age of business.

About the Initiators

Markus Roemmen - Chairman & Founder of successBC and The Evolutiner Club, is a full blood networker since 14 years. As an successful entrepreneur, he founded several successful companies.

As a dedicated new-age entrepreneur, Robert Steiner has co-founded the HIGH POTENTIAL NETWORK, an international online media focusing on the high potential of networking, is Associate Consultant with the boutique strategy consultancy HIRT&FRIENDS in Austria and is currently also involved in various other entrepreneurial projects.

Authors & Guest Writers

WINGSFACTOR – The Open Network Book provides first-hand field reports from professional networkers for professional networkers all over the world. In addition to editorial content, WINGSFACTOR – The Open Networking Book therefore contains content contributed by Authors & Writers that have interesting comments on and stories about the world of networking.

By contributing to the book, you are being introduced to a broad range of professional and powerful networkers with your article, also containing an about-the-author section with photograph to promote the author within the networking community.

As an Author or Guest Writer, you may contribute interesting stories, comments, field reports etc. to the mentioned categories.

For detailed information about sponsorship, partnership and advertisement opportunities, or any questions in regard to sponsorship, partnership or advertisement opportunities, please contact:

Contact Information

The Open Networking Book Ltd
26 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3QH
Scotland UK

Mail: info(at)

Registered in Scotland 298610

Alternatively, you may also contact one of The Open Networking Book Ltd's initiators directly:

Markus Roemmen
Co-Founder & Director
Phone: +423 663 006472
Mail: markus.roemmen(at)

Robert Steiner
Co-Founder & Director
Phone: +43 664 4552590
Mail: robert.steiner(at)

Monday, March 13, 2006

New Website for the Evolutiner Club

Since today you can reach the Evolutiner Club under the following new Website:

The Evolutiner are the VIP Level of successBC

Evolutiner – that sounds somehow mysterious, somehow powerful, somehow like a secret society from a past century. The anwer: well…yes and no!

NO: The Evolutiner Club is certainly no relict of the past, but is quite likely to become one of the most influential networks of the 21st century.

YES: The Evolutiner Club is a little bit mysterious for outsiders, and it is powerful. You cannot buy your membership, you can only apply. And you have to have an excellent background to be accepted by the Evolutiner's board of directors. It is a closed network, consisting of high-level individuals only.

The Members

The members which are represented world-wide are members of executive commitees, managing directors of interesting internationally operating companies as well as wealthy private people and representatives of the different governments.

The Goals

Some of the Evolutiner Club's goals are:
+ the assignment of scholarships
+ the support of research projects at universities
+ the support of charity projects
+ the economic co-operation of the members
+ the use of the common network of the members
+ the optimization of economic decision-makting processes
+ the execution of meetings for the members
+ the execution of an annual reception for the members
+ etc.

Have a successful day

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited
The Evolutiner Club

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Are you an Evolutiner - High-Level individuals ONLY

This article was published today by High Potential Network:

Evolutiner – that sounds somehow mysterious, somehow powerful, somehow like a secret society from a past century. The anwer: well…yes and no!

NO: The Evolutiner Club is certainly no relict of the past, but is quite likely to become one of the most influential networks of the 21st century.

YES: The Evolutiner Club is a little bit mysterious for outsiders, and it is powerful. You cannot buy your membership, you can only apply. And you have to have an excellent background to be accepted by the Evolutiner's board of directors. It is a closed network, consisting of high-level individuals only.

The Members
The members which are represented world-wide are members of executive commitees, managing directors of interesting internationally operating companies as well as wealthy private people and representatives of the different governments.

The Goals
Some of the Evolutiner Club's goals are:
+ the assignment of scholarships
+ the support of research projects at universities
+ the support of charity projects
+ the economic co-operation of the members
+ the use of the common network of the members
+ the optimization of economic decision-makting processes
+ the execution of meetings for the members
+ the execution of an annual reception for the members
+ etc.

The Membership
If you are interested in a membership of the Evolutiner Club, please contact:

c/o successBC Limited
26 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3QH
Scotland UK

Phone: +44 870 478 0518 | Fax: +44 870 478 0487
Mail: evolutiner(at)

Compiled by Robert STEINER

The original article you will find here:

Monday, March 06, 2006

successBC is growing 30% per week

successBC is growing 30% per week in the moment and is now represented in 47 countries by its members what´s a great success for a young platform.

What is the success of successBC?

successBC is much more different to all the existing Business Clubs, because the strategy is not quantity; the strategy is quality in all matters. successBC represents the new generation of successful networking; the platform includes an amount of great features, which can't be found on most of the other platforms. If you need assistance or support, I can tell you that the support service of succesBC is outstanding.
How does successBC differ from other networks?
  • we are a high-class network and not a mass network for address collectors
  • we have our own VIP Level - The Evolutiner
  • we have our own Award - The successBC Entrepreneur Award
  • we are organizing networking Conferences for Face to Face meetings in 2006+ around the world
  • we will start to organize Charity Dinners with High-Level Keynote Speakers
  • we have the "Capment - successBC Venture Capital Club"
  • we have the "successBC Entrepreneur´s Club"
  • we have an effective and powerful information system by BLOG´s as well
  • etc.........
There are a lot of other special things to come as well!

Further information about successBC and its network you will find here:

Warmest regards
Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

New Country Manager for New Zealand - Stu Dunn

We are happy to announce, that Stu Dunn has joined the successBC Country Manager Team, responsible for New Zealand.

Stu has always had the Entrepreneur's Spirit, and has spent most of his working life "working to learn". He has worked in the banking industry across a number of areas, done the Real Estate Salesperson Course, been a mortgage broker, and worked in Parliament. Stu has been successfully investing in property since 2000, buying 95% of his properties for no money down. Having spoken at property mentoring groups, seminars and having run training workshops on how to find excellent deals, Stu's "path of least resistance" follows the philosophy of creating a well known unique identity, such as Anthony Robbins and Richard Branson.

More information about Stu you will find here:

Warm regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Sunday, March 05, 2006

New successBC Domain available again! (

Dear all,

after somebody has hacked our domain name and we have still no access to that domain we have setup a additional domain name: where you can reach our platform.

We are working hard to have access again to our Domain name and we hope to have it solved shortly. Meanwhile you can use the existing LINK you already have as well the new Domain name

As well you can reach me now at:

Further news we will publish shortly.

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Saturday, March 04, 2006

successBC Entrepreneur´s Club

We have created "The successBC Entrepreneurs Club" as private Club for successBC members based on the yahoo group tools.

The Club you will find here:

This Club we will use as discussion platform for Entrepreneurship related topics.

Further you will find interesting links as well basic information around "Entrepreneurship".

To join the group, pls. visit the above mentioned link.

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen

Capment - The successBC Venture Capital Club

We have created "Capment - The successBC Venture Capital Club" as private Club for successBC members based on the yahoo group tools.

The Club you will find here:

This Club we will use as discussion platform for VC related topics. That means here you can present your project if you are looking for Equity as well as VC, Business Engel etc. you can present you and your company.

Further you will find interesting links as well basic information around "Venture Capital".

To join the group, pls. visit the above mentioned link.

Warmest regards
Yours Markus

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New successBC Country Manager Singapore & Malaysia

We are happy to announce that today John has joined the successBC Country Manager Team, responsible for Singapore and Malaysia.

John´s profile you will find here:

John Smallwood
Born United Kingdom, raised and educated in Dublin, Republic of Ireland. John has travelled extensively throughout Asia and currently resides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is an entrepreneur with directorships of a number of media related companies in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and the United States. John is a prolific networker and an active member of both Ecademy and OpenBC networks.

I hope you will support John in your best way!

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Monday, February 27, 2006

Two new features on successBC - Easier Registration & Personal Invitation Page

Dear all,

as mentioned before, we have now two new features on successBC.

Easier Registration

We have modified the Registration Process now. There are 3 more fields to fill in during the Basic Registration, but the advantage now is, that the new member is directly visible as a new member and not only after he has completed his / her profile.

Invitation Page

If you move now to the TAB Invite you will find an additional TAB "Personal Invitation Page". This is a personal site which you can create by yourself. As well you will find there your personal invitation LINK which you can use on your website or in your mails.

As sample, here you will find my LINK:

If you klick on that link you will be guided directly to the personal invitation page. The person you have invited can click on the button and will be forwarded to the registration site.

I think that is a great new feature.

If you need some more information, please let me know.

I will send out an Mailing today to all members about this new features.

Warmest regards
Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
successBC Limited

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

successBC mentioned by HRS in the actual HRS newsletter

Dear all,

based on the partnership between successBC and HRS Hotel Reservation Service, successBC is mentioned in the newest HRS NEWSLETTER.

This newsletter was send to all the HRS customers and is available online in the internet.

Many thanks to HRS and this excellent service.

Markus Römmen

If you like to book your Hotel for your business- or vacation trip please use the following link:

Thursday, February 16, 2006

successBC Limited incorporated

Dear all,

when we started with successBC we have done that under the umbrella of the swiss holding: "successBC powered by Evolutium".

Now after the great successful start we have incorporated a separate company for the activities and services of successBC.

- successBC Limited -

Here you will see the details:

successBC Limited
26 Albany Street
EH1 3QH Edinburgh
Scotland - UK

Phone: +44 870 478 0518
Fax: +44 870 478 0487

Monday, February 13, 2006

Lobbying versus networking - A word in change?!

As I founded one of my enterprises in the avaiation / aerospace market a couple of years ago, we named "networking" - LOBBYING.

What did we do in this time?

We developed a network from interesting persons, who helped us to develop our business successfully! A further aspect was the membership in the most different federations and associations to meet new people.

What was the goal?

The goal was to market our products, services and us as person faster and more effectively then in the normal way.

What did we reach?

We brought our products 10 times faster into the market!

How much time did the LOBBYING cost us?

I would say, that 30% of the daily work time were used
for the LOBBYING !

Were this employment and expenditure worthwhile themselves?

YES! You will ask me why?

  • We invested fewer capitals into the selling!
  • We invested fewer capitals into the marketing!
  • The relationship to our customers and partners was much more stronger!
  • We have met interesting people!
  • We have reached our targets and goals much more faster!
  • etc...
How was LOBBYING working at this time?

And here I am talking about a time around 1997 - that means 8 years agao.

LOBBYING was working at this time only face to face. The target at this time was to make business and not to collect contacts and business cards! At this time it was important to have the right quality and the right quantity of contacts in the right market at the right time.

What can we learn from it for the future?

We can easily learn the following things:

  • Build your network
  • Have the right people available at the right time
  • Concentrate on quality and not on quantity, thus this important network can be maintained!
  • Use Online Platforms but as well Face to Face Meetings, SKYPE or PHONE Calls,
    Networking Events etc.
  • Talk to your network regularly in order to recognize changes
  • Collect so much information about your network as possible
  • Use your network every day

And what is the Conclusion?

The conclusion is, that we have other words for the same things today!

A further conclusion is however also, that we should not lose the quality of our contacts out of our eyes as well the personal relations to our contacts.

Networking is a very important and success-promising tool, but you have to use it in the right and in a sensible way.

I wish you a successful networking day!

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder
www.successBC Limited

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Is there something like "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" for networkers

There is a question I am asking me all the time: "Is there something similar like the - Maslows´s hierachy of needs - for networkers?"

Here some reasons which can be important for networkers:

  • for one it is important to have a hight quantity of contacts
  • for one it is important to be a part of a big and worldwide community
  • for one it is important to find new and interesting people
  • for one it is important to expand his business
  • etc.
I am sure that there are several reasons more.

What are the motives? What are the aims?

Maslow´s hierachy of needs

Maslow's primary contribution to psychology is his
Hierarchy of Human Needs, which he often presented as a pyramid, with self-actualization at the top as the highest of those needs (or conflicts or tensions) in ones life. The base of the pyramid is the physiological needs, which are necessary for survival. Once these are taken care of (resolved), an individual can concentrate on the second layer, the need for safety and security. The third layer is the need for love and belonging, followed by the need for esteem. Finally, self-actualization forms the apex of the pyramid.

The idea of the pyramid came to his mind after an inspiration on visiting the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

In this scheme, the first four layers are what Maslow called deficiency needs or D-needs. If they are not filled, you feel anxiety and attempt to fill them. If they are filled, you feel nothing; you feel only the lack. Each layer also takes precedence over the layer above it; you do not feel the lack of safety and security until your physiological needs are taken care of, for example. In Maslow's terminology, a need does not become salient until the needs below it are met.

Needs beyond the D-needs are "growth needs", "being values" or B-needs. When fulfilled, they do not go away, rather, they motivate further. He outlines about 14 of these values or B-needs, including beauty, meaning, truth, wholeness, justice, order, simplicity, richness, etc.

Maslow also proposed that people who have reached self-actualization will sometimes experience a state he referred to as "transcendence," in which they become aware of not only their own fullest potential, but the fullest potential of human beings at large. He described this transcendence and its characteristics in an essay in the posthumously published The Farther Reaches in Human Nature. In the essay, he describes this experience as not always being transitory, but that certain individuals might have ready access to it, and spend more time in this state. He makes a point that these individuals experience not only ecstatic joy, but also profound, "cosmic-sadness," (Maslow, 1971) at the ability of humans to foil chances of transcendence in their own lives, and in the world at large.

I am sure that you have your motives as well to join a network like successBC.

What are your aims? What are your motives?

I am looking forward to your feedback.

Yours Markus Roemmen
Chairman and Founder
successBC Limited

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Evolutiner Club / The VIP Level on successBC

The members which are represented world-wide are members of executive commitees, managing directors of interesting internationally operating companies as well as wealthy private people and representatives of the different governments.

Goals of the Gold Members

The goals of the "Gold Members" are:

  • the assignment of scholarships
  • the support of research projects at universities
  • the support of charity projects
  • the economic co-operation of the members
  • the use of the common network of the members
  • the optimization of economic decision-makting processes
  • the execution of meetings for the members
  • the execution of an annual reception for the members
  • etc......
A further emphasis of the "Gold Members" is the support of the topic "Entrepreneurship", thus the support and promotion of foundations of a entity as well as teh support of young people around this topic. Part of these activities is the execution of Seminars at schools and universities as well the support of projects there.

Further advantages of the Gold Membership Level are:

  • 100% privacy
  • own e-mail adress like
  • One VIP-Dinner per year with a prominent speaker
  • Access to several special offers of hotels, airlines etc.
  • full access to the successBC database
  • special Events for the Gold Members
  • Special forums where the Gold Members can communicate
  • worldwide members
  • private club
Further informations we will send you on request.

Have a nice networking day

Your successBC Team

Friday, February 10, 2006

Dr. Gerry Lemberg joined the panel of the successBC Entrepreneur Award

We are pleased to communicate that Gerry Lemberg joined the panel of the successBC Entreprenuer Award

Gerry will be as well one of the keynote speaker during the "Entrepreneurship Conference" organized by successBC and the
Evolutiner in 2006.

Gerry is Chairman and visionary of
Silver Fox. A noted speaker, university lecturer and investment panel judge, Gerry is passionate about building customer-focussed, market-leading companies. A veteran of many notable successful technology start-ups, Gerry brings experience, contacts and insight from over 37 years early-stage business development with a diverse range of companies including Fairchild Instruments, Intel, Apple, Electronic Arts and Oracle. Gerry holds a PhD from MIT, a Masters degree from Brandeis University and a JD from the University of California . He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts.

Gerry is as well a Lifetime Member on

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Advantage of the creation of an Advisory Board

When I have founded VIDAIR AG in 1997 somebody told me, that I have to create a well know Supervisory Board if I would like to work in the Aerospace Industry.

At this time I knew somebody he worked for Daimler Chrysler and he recommended a person which maybe could take over the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. He introduced me to Mr. Karl J. Dersch, one of the Founding Directors of the DASA and some other organisations. Karl J. Dersch was well known in the Aerospace Industry.

I have had the chance to present him my idea of VIDAIR AG and he joined VIDAIR AG as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Karl J. Dersch was one of the great networkers at this time.

In one of our first meetings he told me, that we have to set up an Advisory Board for VIDAIR AG. There was no real legal function of an Advisory Board, but these people could work as dooropener for the different markets.

Through the network of Karl J. Dersch I was introduced to several well know people from the aersospace industry, the defence industry and the automotive industry.

As example we could integrate Mr. Matthias Wissmann the former Minister of Transportation into our Supervisory Board as well Mr. Urlich K. Wegener (Former Commander of the GSG9 Special Forces), Peter Trautmann (Managing Director of the Airport in Munich), Georg Fongern (Speaker of the German Pilot Union), Dr. Wolfgang Burr (Former Head of the Arms Department in the Ministry of Defence) as well Captain Lawrence Hecker (Co-Pilot of the Airforce One), Neil Albrecht (Vice President Sales & Marketing American Airlines).

These are only a few names.

The result was, that VIDAIR was presented approx. 400 times in different newspapers as well in several TV-reports and we got the right entrance to the right decision makers!

Another suggestion of Karl J. Dersch was to join the most important Associations to start networking with the right people.

That was the beginning of my networking time and I have learned how you can accelerate your business as well your success with the help of the right networks.

Many thanks for your attention

Yours Markus Roemmen

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Partnership between economie and successBC

successBC and economie have agreed today to a partnership.

economie aims to help create a world where investment with social, environmental and ethical consideration is the universal norm.

We believe, as a matter of principle, that each individual should be able to invest in a way that reflects his or her personal values.

Perhaps more importantly, we believe that together we can take charge of our monetary power to build a future in which prosperity doesn't rely on the impoverishment of others, despoiling the environment or fuelling conflict.

We aim to achieve this by raising global awareness of socially responsible investment, by transforming attitudes towards it and, more specifically, by increasing public access to expert SRI advice.

The first tangible products of this are:

* the SRI certification courses for financial advisers
* the SRI and CSR conference in Zurich, October 2006: "eco6".

Further information about economie you will find here:

economie has placed already a link to our sites here:

We are looking into a great partnership and are happy to support economie with all of our possibilities.

Markus Roemmen
Chairman & Founder

Monday, January 30, 2006

Get the unique successBC toolbar

We have developed for our members the successBC toolbar which you can download here:

From this toolbar - available for Firefox and Internet Explorer - you will have access to all major
functions of successBC.

I just thought it was worth outlining some of the advantages of the Toolbar -

  • Instant access to our successBC from any site on the web
  • Search from anywhere on the Web
  • Get updates through the built-in message box when the successBC Blog is updated
  • Unique updates from successBC into the toolbar
  • Check email within your toolbar - Hotmal, Yahoo!, Gmail, POP3
  • Choice of search engines - Google, Clusty,
  • Instant English>German and German>English translation tool
  • Self-updating - new features will be automatically loaded - no need to re-install!

It's a great tool - and there all the time I am using the web!

Warm regards
Markus Roemmen

Friday, January 20, 2006

Win a Prize of: Free VIP membership and Free nights stay in the European top-notch hotels provided by HRS and

HRS and are going to present you the award of the Best Travel Article among the members.

The experienced travelers could have the chance to leave your ideas and thoughts in your travel reports and share with the other members.

The viewers could name your own best monthly, quarterly and annually travel articles. HRS and will finalize your feedback and opinions each month and announce the most valuable travel reports regularly.

Award: Monthly Best Article

Quarterly Best Article
Annual Award for the Best Travel Article (Grand Prize)


Monthly – 2 months free VIP membership in
Quarterly – 2 Free nights stay in one European Hotel
Annually – 6 Free nights stay in 3 European Hotels and 6 months free VIP membership in

NOW! Get started and win the award!

Please place your article here in that Forum.

Have a nice day

Yours successBC and HRS Team